Wednesday, December 3, 2014

New Directions in 2014

Hello "strangers"!  Where did the year go?  My new hip (named"Lexus") is healed up, I turned 65 (yikes) and have entered the world of Medicare and Medicare supplements.  In November we also celebrated our 45th anniversary with a trip to Kauai, Hawaii.  Back to Minnesota cold.

This year I've taken some new directions, with art quilting on the back burner.  Two years ago I took a weekend collage workshop from Laura Lein-Svencner and followed it this past May with a weeklong collage class at  Dillman's near Lac du Flambeau, WI (the wild north of the state).

It's a fascinating new direction for me.  The process begins with altering many types of paper such as National Geographic pages, dictionary pages, etc. with gesso, Citrasolv, NevrDull (yes that's how you spell it), stencils and acrylic paint.  These papers are coated on both sides with acrylic medium, dried, then layered and fused with a heat tool.  Paint is brushed on, wiped off, more layers are added and the composition grows.

Here are some samples of my pieces from 2014.  The first two pieces (birds) and last two are 8" x 8" and the others are 6" x 6".  All are mounted on wood panels about 1" deep.

Wishing you all well in the upcoming New Year.  Francie Ginocchio



  1. You got great results Francie!

  2. Wow, Francie!! I'm not usually a big collage fan but those are WONDERFUL!! I really like what you ended up with and can see that you enjoy your new direction! Hooray for change!!

  3. Hi Francie, LOVE your work! I too do collages and I'm fascinated by your technique! I have been "arting" quite sporadically recently as I have a volunteer job that's been very time-consuming but I'll try to post some recent work if I remember how to! I think I still have Wil's tutorial somewhere!!!
    Greetings to all my long-lost Free Spirit friends and best wishes for a happy holiday and a creative, healthy and fulfilling 2015!
